Amplifying the voices of girls and unleashing their power as global citizens

十多年了, 11 October has marked International Day of The Girl as a day to amplify girls’ voices and unleash their power as global citizens.

澳门葡京网赌游戏, we are proud to recognise International Day of the Girl through the being the largest global supporter of the 女孩属于这里 倡议, where we celebrate the power of girls while also highlighting the issues perpetuating gender inequality and preventing equitable access to opportunities.

Girls around the world face many barriers when it comes to achieving their full potential in life. 在很多情况下, healthcare services are not equitable and therefore girls face much greater obstacles to accessing their rights and making informed decisions about their life.

The COVID-19 pandemic in particular has taken its toll, disproportionately setting girls back. 特别是在低收入和中等收入国家, measures to curb COVID-19 have disproportionately kept girls out of school and created additional obstacles for them to fulfil their education and obtain employment.1

Women also continue to be underrepresented in senior leadership positions across industries, 包括STEM(科学), 技术, 工程及数学).2

We believe that creating learning and career opportunities for young women can help improve their health in the long run, 给他们一个更好的机会来充分发挥他们的潜力.3

That’s why we’re taking bold action to build a brighter future by welcoming more than 100 young women from over 30 countries to participate in activities in our offices around the world. 通过一系列的“女孩接管”活动, 年轻女性将进入澳门葡京赌博游戏的高级领导职位一天, share their views and engage on important health and sustainability topics. The engagement and support of these young women will extend beyond the Day of the Girl, 许多人接受了澳门葡京赌博游戏员工的指导和指导, 参加就业指导计划, 参加圆桌会议、大师班等活动.

“Girls have the power and freedom to learn, lead, decide and thrive,” Tresia, “女孩属于这里”参与者,肯尼亚

We believe that young people have the power and potential to shape a healthier future. By providing personal and professional development opportunities in addition to funding to help scale their ideas and 倡议s, 澳门葡京赌博游戏可以在更大范围内促进变革. 今年,通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的 青少年健康计划 (YHP),澳门葡京赌博游戏已经奖励了16万美元 加强! 政府资助16间小型, women-led non-profit organisations around the world that are all working to achieve equitable access to healthcare and prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) among youth in their communities. Tackling non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is critical to advancing the health and development of women, 哪一个, 目前, 每年夺去1800万妇女的生命.4

澳门葡京赌博游戏还为一些最有影响力的学生提供奖学金 年轻的健康领袖 to attend the One Young World Summit and engage in topics including gender transformative programming and advancing health equity. 一旦他们回家, each Scholar has been offered placement in an award-winning mini-MBA programme to continue their educational journey.

作为一家以科学为主导的公司, we embrace the fact that diverse teams make better decisions and better represent the communities we serve. One of our core beliefs is that an inclusive environment enables us to unlock the potential in our current and prospective employees. 澳门葡京网赌游戏, over half of our total workforce are women and we are working towards our 2025 aspiration of reaching gender equality in management roles by 2025, 目前是48.1%. We also offer dedicated training programmes to support and accelerate the career and personal goals of women in our company.

在一起, 通过“女孩属于这里”等倡议, girls and business leaders can address key issues and work towards a more equal future.

提供可持续的医疗保健对澳门葡京赌博游戏来说很重要, yet society cannot achieve equitable access to healthcare as long as gender inequalities persist. Our 女孩属于这里 倡议 gives me hope for the future that girls and young women around the world are taking action to build a brighter future. 如果每个人都, 每个地方都能获得保健服务和教育, 它将为人们建立一个更可持续的未来, 社会与地球.

Ashling Mulvaney 澳门葡京网赌游戏医疗保健可持续性副总裁

Learn more about the 女孩属于这里 倡议 and why we champion girls and young women at AstraZenenca in the below video:



1. 2020. 政策简报:COVID-19对妇女的影响. 联合国. 可在http://www下载[于2022年10月7日浏览].
2. 2021. 职场女性-全球(快速浏览). (互联网)催化剂. 可在:http://www.催化剂.http://www.research/wom-in -the- workfor-global/[访问日期:2012.10.7].
3. Remme M, Vassall A, Fernando G, Bloom D. Investing in the health of girls and women: a best buy for sustainable development. BMJ(互联网). 2020[引用日期:2022年10月7日];369(1175). 可在:摘要
4. 2016. 妇女与非传染性疾病. [ePDF] NDC联盟. 可在:[2022年10月7日访问].

Veeva ID: Z4-49482


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