Seven pharma CEOs announce new joint action to accelerate net zero healthcare

All seven global 公司’ near-term targets aligned to the 1.5°C通路

Endorsement of commitments and action by health systems partners

澳门葡京网赌游戏的ceo们, 葛兰素史克公司, 德国默克制药公司, 诺和诺德公司, 罗氏公司, 三星生物制剂和赛诺菲今天宣布联合行动,以实现近期减排目标并加速实现净零卫生系统. 第一次, 全球卫生部门通过可持续市场倡议(SMI)卫生系统工作队共同努力减少温室气体排放, a public-私人 partnership launched at COP26.

The Task Force is taking scalable action to collectively address emissions across supply chains, 病人护理途径, 还有临床试验. 这包括在一套共同的供应商标准上保持一致,以激励整个供应链的脱碳努力, and jointly pursuing renewable power purchase agreements and green transportation corridors. 工作组成员将建立端到端的护理途径排放计算标准和工具,使利益相关者能够测量和跟踪整个护理途径的排放,并将发布产品级生命周期评估(LCA)数据,以提高治疗排放的透明度. In addition, a common framework to measure the emissions from clinical trials will be created.

The connection between climate change and the health of 人类ity is proven and profound. 非传染性疾病和传染病, 营养不良, threats to mental health and premature deaths are all increasing as a result of the climate crisis, 弱势群体面临的风险最大. Air pollution causes seven million premature deaths globally each year1 and extreme heat kills another 5 million annually.2,3 卫生系统正在应对气候危机的影响,但也占全球净排放总量的4-5%, 等于2.4 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.4

帕斯卡Soriot, 首席执行官, 澳门葡京网赌游戏, 和SMI卫生系统工作组的冠军说:“气候变化是澳门葡京赌博游戏这个时代最大的全球健康威胁. 大流行期间, the healthcare sector stepped up and showed what can be achieved when we work together. 今天, we act with the same urgency to tackle the climate crisis, 可持续市场倡议卫生系统工作队宣布的集体承诺为其他各方推动行动树立了基准.”

“The case for decarbonising our health systems is clear, and failing to keep the 1.5°C goal alive will have irreversible impacts on global health,谭德塞博士说, Director-General of the 世界卫生组织. “向低碳转型, 适应气候变化的卫生系统对每个国家实现全民健康覆盖至关重要. 今天宣布的承诺显示了公私伙伴关系在为人类和地球的健康实现积极和可持续变革方面的力量.”

今天, 工作组的成员公司公布了他们在三个优先领域加快脱碳的共同承诺, which have been identified as drivers of the greatest positive impact in the sector: supply chains, 病人护理途径, 还有临床试验. Specific actions announced today include:

1. Recognising that supply chain emissions drive over 50% of overall health care emissions, the Task Force members today announced they are committed to net zero emissions and will:

  • align on a set of common supplier standards
  • 改用可再生能源
  • jointly evaluate renewable power purchase agreements in China and India in 2023
  • explore green heat solutions by 2025 to accelerate the adoption of scalable technologies
  • 到2030年实现汽车零排放转型,到2025年共同探索绿色交通走廊

2. There is a significant opportunity to reduce the emissions of patient care, which contribute to approximately 45% of overall health care emissions, while simultaneously improving health outcomes. 专责小组将:

  • collaborate with stakeholders including health policy makers, 监管机构, 纳税人, 供应商, 医疗保健专业人员和患者团体提高对脱碳护理途径的必要性和机会的认识
  • 为特定疾病建立端到端的护理途径排放计算标准和工具,使利益相关者能够测量和跟踪整个护理途径的排放,并评估脱碳战略
  • align on a common framework to perform LCAs, 私营部门成员也承诺发布其产品组合的产品级LCA数据,以提高处理排放的透明度

3. 工作组致力于利用数字健康解决方案使临床试验脱碳,并将:

  • 到2023年承诺一个共同框架,随后开始在第二和第三阶段临床试验中测量温室气体排放. Companies aim to report phase 2 and 3 trial emissions for trials starting in 2025
  • 将新试验与企业的脱碳途径结合起来,并最迟设定2030年的试验减排目标
  • 鼓励临床研究机构和与临床试验相关的供应商致力于一个衡量和减少排放的框架, including through the use of digital solutions
  • target 90%+ of trials starting in 2025 to include a review of how digital solutions can reduce emissions

除了私营部门成员, the SMI Health Systems Task Force includes leaders from the 世界卫生组织 (WHO), 联合国儿童基金会, 和医疗, academic and non-governmental organisations. The Task Force is partnering with the WHO-convened Alliance for Transformative Action on Health and Climate (ATACH) 向60多个卫生部长级别的政府提供建议,以建立适应气候变化的低碳卫生系统.

To support health systems stakeholders accelerate towards net zero, 工作组今天发布了三份白皮书,概述了实际建议和可扩展的行动:

  • 医疗保健供应链脱碳
  • 脱碳患者护理途径
  • The Digital Solution for 可持续性 in Clinical Research

All published whitepapers can be viewed by visiting


In his former role as His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, His Majesty King Charles III launched the 可持续市场倡议 (SMI) at Davos in January 2020. SMI是一个由全球各行各业的首席执行官组成的网络,他们共同努力建立繁荣和可持续的经济,通过平衡地整合自然资源来创造长期价值, 社会, 人类, 金融资本. 这些全球ceo认为自己是“意愿联盟”(Coalition of the Willing),帮助领导他们的行业走向更加雄心勃勃的未来, 加速, 可持续发展的轨迹. 阅读更多: www.可持续市场.org

In his former role as His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, His Majesty King Charles III launched the Terra的法令 at the One Planet Summit in January 2021. The Terra的法令 serves as the mandate for the SMI and provides a practical roadmap for acceleration towards an ambitious and sustainable future; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, 创新, 以及私营部门的资源. Currently there are over 500 CEO-level supporters, including the first C40 city of Athens, Greece. The Terra的法令 has served as the inspiration for the Terra的法令 Design Lab. 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》是公众的路线图, 私人, and philanthropic collaboration and open to all countries, 城市, 公司, 组织, 以及愿意支持它的学校. 阅读更多: www.可持续市场.org/terra-carta

可持续市场倡议 Health Systems Task Force
在第26届联合国气候变化大会(COP26)上启动了SMI卫生系统工作队,其中心目标是加速实现净零排放, patient-centric healthcare systems that improve individual, 社会, 以及地球健康. The public-私人 partnership brings together CEOs and leaders from 澳门葡京网赌游戏, 葛兰素史克公司, 默克公司, 诺和诺德公司, 罗氏公司, 三星生物制剂, 赛诺菲安万特, 卡罗林斯卡学院, 英国国民保健服务, 可持续医疗保健联盟, 联合国儿童基金会, 帕维亚大学, 和世界卫生组织(卫生组织).

COP27 will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from 6-18 November 2022. The Government of Egypt have laid out ten key themes for COP27 including topics such as Biodiversity, 适应与农业, 脱碳, 青年和子孙后代. Following the pledges and ambitions set out at COP26, 第27届联合国气候变化大会将见证全球政治领导人, 科学支持, 推动实施从缓解和适应到融资和全球合作的宏伟目标.


1. 世界卫生组织. How air pollution is destroying our health [在线]. 2021. 可在:http://www.谁.int/news-room/spotlight/how-air-pollution-is-destroying-our-health [Last accessed: November 2022]

2. 赵强等. 全球, 区域, 从2000年到1929年,与非最佳环境温度相关的国家死亡率负担:一个三阶段建模研究. 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》. 2021;5(7):E415-E435.

3. 《澳门葡京赌博游戏》. Extreme temperatures kill 5 million people a year with heat-related deaths rising, study finds. 2021年7月. 在线. 可在:http://www.theguardian.极端温度每年杀死500万人,与高温相关的死亡人数在上升。

4. 无伤害医疗2019. 医疗保健的气候足迹,奥雅纳. 在线. 可在:http://www.奥雅纳.[最后访问日期:2022年11月]

Veeva ID: Z4-50173


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