Our work at AstraZeneca is among the most exciting I’ve experienced in my 20+ years spent in research. We have a rich and growing pipeline of new molecular entities and marketed therapies that have the potential to address unmet needs, 包括难以治疗的疾病. Every day, we are pushing the boundaries of science and challenging the status quo to deliver practice-changing medicines.

作为澳门葡京网赌游戏和亚力克森的首席医疗官, 我有责任确保病人, physicians and regulatory agencies are provided with information on the safe and appropriate use of our medicines. I lead patient safety and quality assurance activities for our entire portfolio – from investigational new drugs to established products.

Additionally, 担任肿瘤学首席开发官, I lead AstraZeneca’s late-stage Oncology portfolio of innovative medicines and immunotherapies through global clinical development and regulatory submissions. In this role, I oversee a team of clinical development and operations colleagues around the world, 目前谁负责广泛的潜在药物组合, 超过160项研究涵盖多种肿瘤适应症.

在加入澳门葡京网赌游戏之前, I held a variety of clinical development leadership roles at Pfizer and at Novartis Pharmaceuticals. 在过去的几年里, 我讲过很多关于免疫疗法临床试验的内容, 乳腺癌和PI3K抑制剂的临床发展. 我发表过很多关于癌症的文章, 撰写同行评议论文50余篇,会议摘要100余篇. I have also generated several patents for cancer treatment combinations and regimens.

经过训练的肿瘤医学专家, I earned my medical degree from Marche Polytechnic University and received Medical Oncology training at the Royal Marsden Hospital, 卡普兰综合癌症中心和欧洲肿瘤研究所.

Ensuring patient safety has always been the number one priority at AstraZeneca and a leading focus of my work as an oncologist. 把安全, high quality, practice-changing treatments to patients is my passion and what drives me every day – together with the thought that we are transforming outcomes in cancer, 离找到治愈方法越来越近了.


Several Novartis awards including: President’s Award, Vision Award and Region Europe Award


意大利抗癌联盟的Leonida Gennarelli Grant


A. Girombelli最佳肿瘤学论文奖

博士大头照. 克里斯蒂安·Massacesi, Senior Vice President, Head of Late Stage Development Oncology at AstraZeneca



2019 - 2021

澳门葡京网赌游戏公司高级副总裁兼晚期肿瘤学主管. Led, grew and steered the acceleration of AstraZeneca’s innovative late-stage Oncology portfolio through global clinical development and regulatory submissions

2017 - 2019

Led multiple development programs and submissions with small molecule and immunotherapy in lung cancer, 头颈癌, 血液恶性肿瘤和创新组合副总裁, 医疗组组长, 辉瑞的肿瘤学研究

2010 - 2017

Held increasing levels of responsibility in Oncology Global Development at Novartis: Vice-President, 高级全球临床项目主管, 领导PI3Ki组合的临床开发, including multiple submissions and registrational studies and headed the Immunotherapy Center of Excellence; Paris Oncology Site head for a global full-development group across functions and portfolio


Starting the fight in the tumor: expert recommendations for the development of human intratumoral immunotherapy (HIT-IT)

Marabelle A, Andtbacka R, Harrington K, Melero I, Leidner R, de Baere T, Robert C, Ascierto PA, Baurain JF, Imperiale M, Rahimian S, Tersago D, Klumper E, Hendriks M, Kumar R, Stern M, Öhrling K, Massacesi C[1]张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军. Ann Oncol. 2018年11月1日;29(11):2163-2174 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6290929/

Phase II study of buparlisib (BKM120) in combination with trastuzumab in patients with HER2+ locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer resistant to trastuzumab-based therapy

Pistilli B, Pluard T, Urruticoechea一, Farci D, Kong A, Bachelot T, Chan S, Han HS, Jerusalem G, Urban P, Robinson D, Mouhaër SL, Tomaso ED, Massacesi C, Saura C. 乳腺癌治疗. 2018年4月,168 (2):357 - 364

First-Line ceritinib versus platinum-based chemotherapy in advanced ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (ASCEND-4): a randomised, open-label, 3期研究

Soria JC, Tan DSW, Chiari R, Wu YL, Paz-Ares L, Wolf J, Geater SL, Orlov S, Cortinovis D, Yu CJ, Hochmair M, Cortot AB, Tsai CM, Moro-Sibilot D, Campelo RG, McCulloch T, Sen P, Dugan M, Pantano S, Branle F, Massacesi C小卡斯特罗. Lancet. 2017年3月4日;389(10072):917-929 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(17)30123-X/fulltext

布帕利西布加氟维司汀与安慰剂加氟维司汀在绝经后的对比, 激素受体阳性, her2阴性, 晚期乳腺癌(BELLE-2):一项随机研究, double-blind, 安慰剂对照, 三期试验

Baselga J, Im SA, Iwata H, Cortés J, 德劳伦蒂斯·M, Jiang Z, Arteaga CL, Jonat W, Clemons M, Ito Y, Awada A, Chia S, Jagiełło-Gruszfeld, Pistilli B, Tseng LM, Hurvitz S, Masuda N, Takahashi M, Vuylsteke P, Hachemi S, Dharan B, Di Tomaso E, Urban P, Massacesi C, Campone M. Lancet Oncol. 2017年7月,18 (7):904 - 916 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(17)30376-5/fulltext

Ceritinib versus chemotherapy in patients with ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer previously given chemotherapy and crizotinib (ASCEND-5): a randomised, controlled, open-label, 三期试验

Shaw AT, Kim TM, Crinò L, Gridelli C, Kiura K, Liu G, Novello S, Bearz A, Gautschi O, Mok T, Nishio M, Scagliotti G, Spigel DR, Deudon S, Zheng C, Pantano S, Urban P, Massacesi C, Viraswami-Appanna K, philip E. Lancet Oncol. 2017年7月,18 (7):874 - 886 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(17)30339-X/fulltext

PI3K inhibitors as new cancer therapeutics: implications for clinical trial design

Massacesi C, Di Tomaso E, Urban P, Germa C, Quadt C, Trandafir L, Aimone P, Fretault N, Dharan B, Tavorath R, Hirawat S. Onco的目标是. 2016年1月7日;9:203-210 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4708174/

Overcoming Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) activation in breast cancer: Emerging PI3K inhibitors

Massacesi C, Di Tomaso E, Urban P, Germa C, Fretault N, Bharani-Dharan B, Tavorath R, Quadt C, Coughlin C, Hirawat S. J Oncopath. 2015年2月,3 (1):27-39 http://www.researchgate.net/publication/272407924_Overcoming_Phosphatidylinositol_3-Kinase_PI3K_Activation_in_Breast_Cancer_Emerging_PI3K_Inhibitors

Phase Ib Study of Buparlisib plus Trastuzumab in Patients with HER2-Positive Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer That Has Progressed on Trastuzumab-Based Therapy

Saura C, Bendell J, Jerusalem G, Su S, Ru Q, De Buck S, Mills D, Ruquet S, Bosch A, Urruticoechea一, Beck JT, Di Tomaso E, Sternberg DW, Massacesi C,贺建平,李建平,李建平. 临床癌症研究中心. 2014年4月1日;20(7):1935-45 http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/20/7/1935

Phase I Study of Everolimus Plus Weekly Paclitaxel and Trastuzumab in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Pretreated With Trastuzumab

Andre F, Campone M, O 'Regan R, Manlius C, Massacesi C, sahoud T, Mukhopadhyay P, Soria JC, Naughton M, Hurvitz SA. J Clin Oncol. 2010年12月1日;28(34):5110-5 http://ascopubs.org/doi/10.1200/JCO.2009.27.8549

Veeva ID: Z4-56919