As 生物科学代谢部主管 for 心血管, 肾与代谢(CVRM), 我监督和指导澳门葡京赌博游戏的战略, seeking to underst和 the role of metabolism in illness. This includes participating in the core strategy team 和 business development activities, 和 being a champion for inclusion 和 diversity.  

Altered metabolic processes play a key part in all CVRM diseases 和 underst和ing these changes can be critical in finding effective treatments. My role involves working closely with teams across all of our research sites 和 CVRM research programmes. We have a diverse research portfolio, spanning from target investigations to phase 2b studies in diseases such as diabetes, 肥胖, non-alcoholic liver diseases 和 dyslipidaemia (high lipids in the blood).

I received my PhD in Physiology 和 Pharmacology from the University of Nottingham Medical School 和 have worked for many years in the field of drug discovery including work on muscle disorders, 肥胖和糖尿病, 两者都用 在活的有机体内在体外 方法. I have been working consistently across CVRM diseases since 2014.

Effective teamworking is vital to successful drug development. It is important that colleagues can benefit from a range of skills, communicate effectively 和 underst和 each other. My experience in collaborative team building 和 leadership extends across academia 和 industry, including both scientific leadership 和 people development. The collaborations I facilitate enable teams across the business 和 beyond to generate high-impact science that drives the discovery of life-changing medicines.

Science is at the forefront of our decision-making 和 I am proud to work for a company that champions scientists, supporting cross-industry collaboration to drive innovation. It is incredibly rewarding to mentor research rising stars, providing them with the opportunity to grow, 成功, 并最终, 为患者改变治疗结果.

大卫•贝克, Head of Metabolism Bioscience, CVRM.


执行董事, 生物科学代谢部主管, 心血管, 肾与代谢(CVRM), 澳门葡京网赌游戏


执行董事 – Head of Metabolism Bioscience Department 心血管, 肾与代谢(CVRM), 澳门葡京网赌游戏, leading the metabolism disease area strategy across a portfolio from target discovery to phase 2b in diabetes

2017 – 2019

Director of Research – 心血管, 肾与代谢(CVRM) 落实的, led a portfolio of 16 metabolic disease 和 chronic kidney disease projects, delivering progress through governance, scientific excellence 和 drug discovery direction

2014 – 2017

Principal Scientist – 心血管 和 Metabolic Diseases (CVMD), 英国CVMD Vivo核心团队负责人, 落实的. Established an internal 在活的有机体内 pharmacology capability 和 recruited talented 在活的有机体内 和 在体外 scientists to deliver key data for T2D, CKD和NASH项目

2012 – 2014

Associate Director of Pharmacology – Global In Vivo Lead, Safety Pharmacology, 澳门葡京网赌游戏. 体内给药心血管, 肾, respiratory 和 gastrointestinal safety pharmacology regulatory 和 investigational studies to all iMED projects in the global portfolio

2009 – 2012

Team Leader/Associate Principal Scientist, 体内疾病模型组, CVGI, 糖尿病和肥胖生物科学, 澳门葡京网赌游戏. Led a team of 10 scientists 和 defined the global 在活的有机体内 strategy for alignment of 在活的有机体内 models to disease target product profiles, outlining responsibilities from pre-clinical to clinical 和 translational science


Human genetics uncovers MAP3K15 as an 肥胖-independent therapeutic target for diabetes.

Nag A, Dhindsa R, Mitchell J, 等. 科学的进步2022年11月8日(46)

Controlling the bioactivity of a peptide hormone 在活的有机体内 by reversible self-assembly

Ouberai MM, Gomes Dos Santos AL, Kinna S, 等. 学报8,1026 (2017)

Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 4 (Rxfp4) expressing hypothalamic neurons modulate food intake 和 preference in mice

Lewis JE, Woodward OR, Nuzzaci D 等. 摩尔金属底座. 2022年12月. 66: 101604

Veeva ID: Z4-52290
Date of preparation: February 2023