作为监管事务副总裁, I lead a global team responsible for the regulatory activities relating to our respiratory and immunology treatments. 我的团队与R的同事一起工作&D – from early discovery science through to late-stage development, including supporting clinical trials – to ensure that our medicines have the highest quality evidence required to gain approval by international regulatory bodies. 

It is our responsibility to apply innovative regulatory strategies to our respiratory & immunology pipeline, so that life-changing medicines can reach patients as quickly as possible. 

我于2020年加入澳门葡京网赌游戏, and since then I have been very impressed by our exciting pipeline: from vaccine development to our longstanding leadership in asthma and COPD research, and more recently our ambition to apply our strengths in respiratory research to the treatment of a wide range of immunology diseases. 

Before this role, I spent 10 years at GSK as Medicine Development Leader for respiratory medicines. I initially trained as a pharmacist and did a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences  before beginning my career at GSK. Before my Medicine Development Leader role, I took on numerous and diverse Regulatory Affairs roles. I love roles where you can work with everyone across R&D – scientists discovering the molecules and development scientists producing the medicine, but also commercial colleagues who enable patients to gain access to our life changing medicines.

晚期呼吸与免疫&D is such a fantastic place to work in regulatory affairs. We follow the science and challenge each other to think creatively when it comes to finding solutions – all working together to develop treatments that address the huge unmet needs facing patients today.

克里斯汀·伊莱恩·琼斯 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Late 呼吸 & 免疫学R&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏


Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Late 呼吸 & 免疫学R&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏


加入澳门葡京网赌游戏, heading up 呼吸 and 免疫学Regulatory Affairs – it was an incredible privilege to work on once-in-a-lifetime development programs underway at the time.

Appointed as a GSK Medicine Development Leader in 2009

Strategically led optimal global medicine development programs from phase 2 to market and managed life cycle development.


Appointed as Vice President Regulatory Affairs for 呼吸, Allergy & GSK皮肤科专营权.

Appointed to the first of many and diverse roles in Regulatory Affairs in 1992.

全球标签组第一名. Followed by regulatory strategic roles in the UK and the USA and US advertising and labeling regulatory policy.

1989年加入Glaxo Pharmaceuticals

As a Medical Representative – the start of the most rewarding career.


Once-Daily Single Inhaler Triple Versus Dual Therapy in Patients with COPD

大卫. 利普森, 董事长弗兰克Barnhart, Noushin Brealey, 吉恩·布鲁克斯, 杰拉德。克里内, 尼古拉一天, 马克Dransfield, 大卫哈尔平, 梅兰汉, ——伊莱恩·琼斯, 莎莉基尔布赖德, 彼得·兰格, 大卫·洛玛斯, 费尔南多·J. 马丁内斯, David Singh, Maggie Tabberer, Bob Wise, Steven J. 帕斯科                     
New England Journal of Medicine (May 2018)

DOI: 10.1056 / NEJMoa1713901


The Effect of ICS Withdrawal and Baseline Inhaled Treatment on Exacerbations in the IMPACT Study: A Randomized, 双盲多中心试验

梅兰K. 韩,杰拉德·J. 克里纳,马克·T. 大卫·德兰斯菲尔德.G. 哈尔平,C. 伊莱恩·琼斯, 莎莉基尔布赖德, 彼得·兰格, 莎莉Lettis, 大卫利普森, 大卫·洛玛斯, 尼尔·马丁, 罗伯特智慧, 戴夫•辛格, 费尔南多·马丁内斯                        
American Journal of 呼吸 and Critical Care Medicine (June 2020)

DOI: 10.1164 / rccm.201912-2478OC


Single-inhaler triple therapy fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium/ vilanterol versus fluticasone furoate/vilanterol and umeclidinium/ vilanterol in patients with COPD: Results on cardiovascular safety from the IMPACT trial

尼古拉C. Day, Subramanya Kumar, Gerard J. 克里纳,马克·T. 大卫·德兰斯菲尔德.G. 梅兰·K·哈尔平. 汉族,C. 伊莱恩·琼斯,莫里斯公司. Kaisermann, 莎莉基尔布赖德, 彼得·兰格, 大卫. 洛马斯,尼尔·马丁,费尔南多·J. 马丁内斯,戴夫·辛格,罗伯特·怀斯,大卫·A. 利普森

DOI: 10.1186/s12931-020-01398-w


Reduction in all-cause mortality with fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium/vilanterol in COPD patients

大卫. 利普森,考特尼·克里姆,杰拉德·J. 尼古拉·C·克里纳. 戴,马克·T. 大卫·德兰斯菲尔德.G. 梅兰·K·哈尔平. 汉族,C. 伊莱恩·琼斯, 莎莉基尔布赖德, 彼得·兰格, 大卫. Lomas, 莎莉Lettis, Pamela Manchester, 尼尔·马丁, Dawn Midwinter, Andrea Morris, Steven J. 帕斯科,戴夫·辛格,罗伯特·A. 费尔南多·J·怀斯. 马丁内斯                   
American Journal of 呼吸 and Critical Care Medicine (June 2020)

doi: 10.1164 / rccm.201911-2207OC


Comparison of LAMA/LABA vs ICS/LABA in high risk COPD patients: Pre-specified analysis on lung function and health status from the IMPACT trial

大卫·A·利普森, 董事长弗兰克Barnhart, 伊莎贝尔Boucot, 考特尼有罪的, Noushin Brealey, 杰拉德·J·克里纳, 马克Dransfield, 大卫·米.克哈尔平, 莎莉基尔布赖德, 韩美兰, 彼得·兰格, 大卫·洛马斯, 费尔南多·马丁内斯, 戴夫•辛格, 伊恩·纳亚·纳亚, 克里斯汀·伊莱恩·琼斯, 罗伯特智慧. European 呼吸 Journal 52 (November 2019)

doi.org/10.1183/13993003.国会- 2018.PA4385


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