
8 April 2022

Written by:

Daniel Freeman,

早期发展肿瘤学项目副总裁&D, AstraZeneca

Mark Cobbold,

早期发展肿瘤学研发部副总裁&D, AstraZeneca

Matthew Hellmann,

副总裁,临床组负责人,早期发展肿瘤R&D, AstraZeneca

近年来,澳门葡京赌博游戏看到免疫肿瘤学(IO)引起了很多兴奋。, 从临床的变革性成果到该领域先驱的诺贝尔奖.1,2,3

第一波IO疗法的目标是 克服免疫检查点 释放免疫系统对抗癌症的力量, 已经成为许多治疗方案的支柱, with PD-1, PD-L1和CTLA-4抑制剂在许多肿瘤类型的常规临床应用.2 但是,虽然这些药物开辟了这一领域, not all patients respond to checkpoint inhibition and responses are not always as deep or durable as we might hope.


Historically, 药物开发的重点是针对肿瘤的分子特征, most notably the genetic mutations that have been identified as contributing to the growth and spread of cancer cells. 但癌症不仅仅是一种无赖病, mutated cells growing out of control:  the presence of tumours themselves demonstrates how cancer cells can evade the immune processes that normally protect us by keeping aberrant cells in check.

免疫系统是人体的自然防御系统, responsible for responding to external pathogens such as bacteria and viruses and protecting us from abnormal internal disease processes like cancer.4 T-cells and myeloid cells play a major role in this anti-cancer response by recognising and eliminating tumour cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.5,6 Immune checkpoints are a key part of the decision-making process that determines whether or not T-cells will attack, 并且可以被癌细胞操纵以逃避免疫反应.5

澳门葡京赌博游戏正在从两个角度解决免疫逃避的挑战. Firstly, by finding novel ways to overcome the defensive mechanisms that tumours use to escape the immune system, progressing beyond PD-L1 blockade to explore the potential of targeting other immune checkpoints such as TIM-3 and GDF-15.

And secondly, 如果免疫细胞忽略了附近癌细胞的威胁, we’re searching for ways to create a more immunogenic environment around the tumour to alert the immune cells of the danger posed by the cancer cells.



基于抗体的检查点抑制剂通过 与免疫细胞表面的特定受体(或其配体)结合的如PD-1或CTLA-4.7 However, because these receptors are also involved in the normal balance between surveillance and auto-immunity, disruption of checkpoint signalling pathways can lead to immune-related systemic side effects including damage to healthy tissue.8

To overcome this issue, we are drawing on our long history of protein engineering to design bispecific antibodies that simultaneously target different immune checkpoints on the same cell. 通过将两种药物结合在一起, these dual-purpose antibodies could help to drive more durable responses in the clinic or overcome evolved resistance to blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis.

Looking to the future, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在探索重新引导不能识别癌症的t细胞的方法, 哪些物质比那些物质更丰富,更有效. To this end, T-cell engagers, which direct T-cells to the tumour and amplify that patient’s own anti-cancer immune response, 免疫肿瘤学是一个越来越受关注的领域吗.

澳门葡京赌博游戏正在探索免疫的不同方面, 包括调节其他免疫细胞的潜力, such as myeloid cells, 作为一种治疗癌症的方法. We are also looking at ways of manipulating the tumour microenvironment to make it more amenable for T cells to function, either through 阻断像LIF这样的促癌分子 and CD73 or by 加入细胞因子,如IL-12 促进抗肿瘤免疫反应.9,10

除此之外,创新的先进疗法,如 cell therapies– engineered immune cells that can find and destroy cancer – are becoming increasingly important in cancer therapy.

Discover how we are activating the immune system using T-cell engagers to damage cancer cells and potentially help address hard-to-treat cancers in the below animation:


充分发挥免疫疗法的力量, we need not just new powerful medicines but also the insight to match each patient with the therapy that is most likely to work for them.

Our diverse portfolio of potential medicines lends itself to testing different combination treatment strategies. For example, 将免疫疗法与旨在杀死癌细胞的药物相结合, 如抗体药物偶联物(adc), could lead to additive or synergistic responses as dying cells attract the attention of the immune system to further enhance the effect. We are also exploring the potential of combining drugs from our early pipeline with PD-L1 checkpoint inhibition to induce deeper and more durable anti-tumour responses.

Developing next-generation biomarkers will be important for stratifying patients and identifying the most appropriate treatment or combination therapy. By connecting deep understanding from biology with emerging data from patients in our early clinical trials, we can develop and test new hypotheses to discover which patients will benefit most from which treatments.

癌症越早得到诊断和治疗,越容易患上癌症 生存的机会更大.11 Every round of chemotherapy or radiotherapy can inflict damage on the immune system and result in more resistant cancer cells, 这使得这种疾病更难治疗,免疫系统的反应能力也更弱.12 Intervening early with rational combinations of targeted treatments and immunotherapy is likely to give patients the best chance of a cure.


Looking to the future, it is exciting to think how immunotherapies could be combined with advances in the diagnostics space such as liquid biopsy, identifying the very earliest signs of cancer and activating the immune system to seek out and remove dangerous cells wherever they may be. And one day it may even be possible to manipulate the immune environment of the body to prevent cancer from developing in the first place.


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1. Esfahani K, et al. 癌症免疫治疗综述:从过去,到现在,再到未来. Curr Oncol. 2020;27(S2)87-97. Accessed April 2022.

2. Robert C. 免疫检查点抑制剂在癌症治疗中的十年. Nat Comm. 2020;11:3801. Accessed April 2022.

3. 在卡罗林斯卡学院举行的诺贝尔大会. 2018年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖. 2018年10月1日新闻稿. Accessed April 2022.

4. Cancer Research UK. 免疫系统和癌症. Available online. Accessed April 2022.

5. Waldman AD, et al. 癌症免疫治疗指南:从T细胞基础科学到临床实践. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020;20:651-668. Accessed April 2022.

6. Neophytou CM, et al. 肿瘤相关髓系细胞在调节肿瘤治疗中的作用. Front Oncol. 2020;10(899). Accessed April 2022.

7. He X, et al. 免疫检查点信号和癌症免疫治疗. Cell Research. 2020;30:660-669. Accessed April 2022.

8. American Cancer Society. 免疫检查点抑制剂及其副作用. Available online. Accessed April 2022.

9. Viswanadhapalli S, et al. 靶向癌症中的LIF/LIFR信号. Genes & Diseases. 2021. Accessed April 2022.

10. Nguyen KG, et al. 局部白介素-12用于癌症免疫治疗. Front Immunol. 2020;11(575597). Accessed April 2022.

11. Hawkes N. 癌症生存数据强调早期诊断的重要性. BMJ. 2019;364:1408. Accessed April 2022.

12. American Cancer Society. 为什么癌症患者更容易感染. 可在:http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/physical-side-effects/low-blood-counts/infections/why-people-with-cancer-are-at-risk.html. Accessed April 2022.

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