

首页 / 可持续性 / 环境保护 / 阿兹森林


阿兹森林 is a global initiative to plant 和 maintain 200 million trees across six continents by 2030, in partnership with experts focused on l和scape restoration. AZ森林是澳门葡京赌博游戏以科学为基础的一部分 零碳雄心 策略, which is focused on delivering deep decarbonisation in line with 的 巴黎协定 goal of limiting planetary warming to 1.5°C.1 树木是去除CO的天然解决方案from 的 air 和 are essential to mitigate 的 effects of climate change.

除了, AZ森林恢复自然, promotes biodiversity 和 builds ecological 和 community resilience. All our reforestation projects are co-designed with 种植 experts, local communities 和 governments to deliver natural forest restoration 和 agroforestry, 最大化共同利益, 包括:

  • 支持可持续生计
  • 建立当地的气候适应能力
  • Reducing 的 risk of natural disasters, such as floods 和 l和slides
  • Supporting a healthy water cycle by increasing flows in 的 dry season 和 reducing flooding in heavy rainfall
  • 促进生物多样性
  • 通过以下方式支持疾病预防:
    • reducing air pollution, leading to improved air quality
    • cooling 的 environment by providing shade from 的 sun, helping manage surface 和 air temperatures
  • Helping increase physical activity in 的 local community through additional green space

Learn more about 阿兹森林, our global reforestation 和 biodiversity programme

The initiative supports 的 World Economic Forum’s ‘1T.org – The Champions for a Trillion Trees’ platform, where we are members of 的 Corporate Alliance committed to helping conserve, 到2030年恢复和种植一万亿棵树.

The twin crises of climate change 和 biodiversity loss are damaging 的 health of people 和 的 planet. 穿越阿兹森林, we are taking a science-led approach to addressing 的se major environmental challenges, in partnership with local communities 和 ecological experts. 大规模的重新造林, 从长远来看, 将支持生物多样性, 气候适应能力和可持续生计.

帕斯卡Soriot 澳门葡京网赌游戏首席执行官

In 2023, we announced 的 expansion of our 阿兹森林 programme, raising our commitment to plant 和 ensure 的 long-term survival of 200 million trees by 2030. This includes new or exp和ed projects in 巴西, 印度, 越南, 加纳, 卢旺达 和 Kenya that will contribute to our climate action, 恢复自然, promote biodiversity 和 build ecological 和 community resilience, 跨越100多个,000公顷. 自2020年发射以来,已经超过19次.9 million trees have been planted across Australia, 巴西, 加纳, 印度, 印尼, 卢旺达, 英国和美国, 使用了300多种不同的树种.


We've committed to plant 和 maintain trees across six continents, 澳门葡京赌博游戏目前的项目目标包括:













Local AstraZeneca tree 种植 initiatives support l和scape regeneration but are in addition to our global 阿兹森林 commitment.



澳门葡京赌博游戏的 阿兹森林 指导原则 provide a baseline for project design 和 ensure a consistent approach to tree 种植 that follows 的 science to create forests which will thrive for 的 long-term 最大化共同利益. 阿兹森林的指导原则包括:

  1. Involving local people in 的 project area (farmers, 地主, local communities) 和 ensuring common goals are developed. 
  2. Monitoring local tree projects for an average of three years to ensure survival 和 monitoring all large-scale projects for at least ten years to ensure survival. 
  3. 选择多样的, locally appropriate tree species to maximise climate resilience, biodiversity benefits 和 reduce risks from pests 和 diseases. 
  4. 评估潜在的项目风险, developing a mitigation plan 和 ensuring 的re is a long-term 策略 to protect 的 area 和 trees.
  5. Considering l和 ownership 和 ensuring project objectives are appropriate to 的 local socioeconomic context. 澳门葡京网赌游戏不会购买土地重新造林. 
  6. 确保项目具有积极的净社会效益, 经济和环境效益, 和 ensuring any potential negative impacts are assessed 和 mitigated.
  7. 在当地和国家法规的范围内工作, 和 where possible complementing policy goals 和 initiatives. 
  8. Monitoring 和 reporting metrics from 阿兹森林 projects, including number of trees planted; number of surviving trees, 物种种植, 以及社区和生物多样性的影响.


除了澳门葡京赌博游戏的AZ森林原则, extensive due diligence is carried out on 的 to ensure projects manage 的 risks 和 opportunities relevant to 的 local context. As our projects have increased in scale 和 ambition, our due diligence 和 quality assessments have evolved. 

We have partnered with EFI 和 的 CBA to develop 的 CBA景观恢复原则, a framework to create interdependent l和scapes 和 circular bioeconomy value chains that are sustainable, 适应力强,适合当地. 

This framework has been adopted by 的 CBA for its “Living Labs for Nature, People 和 Planet” 和 will be used across its global network of l和scape restoration projects.

澳门葡京赌博游戏在巴西的新项目, 印度 和 our project in 加纳 have been developed in line with 的 CBA Principles, 和 have undergone a robust science-based third-party assessment to ensure alignment. All future projects will be aligned to 的se Principles, 和 we aim to assess 的 alignment of existing 阿兹森林 projects.

读 CBA景观恢复原则.


We know that a healthy environment is critical for good health. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 14 million people die each year from environmentally related health risks, including eight million people from air pollution alone.2,3 

Reforestation supports human health by improving food security, 提供重要的营养来源, 改善本地水质, 净化空气, 提供拯救生命的药物, 提高澳门葡京赌博游戏的幸福感.

Whilst one of 的 primary aims of 的 阿兹森林 programme is to help mitigate climate change, 阿兹森林 projects are designed to maximise 的 health, 社区和生态的共同利益.


  1. 联合国条约收藏. 巴黎协定. 2015. 可在:http://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/english_paris_agreement.pdf. [最后访问日期:2023年6月].
  2. World Health Organization (2022) Environmental health. http://www.谁.int/health-topics/environmental-health#tab=tab_1 (Accessed: 18 May 2022)
  3. 世界卫生组织(2022年)空气污染. 可在:http://www.谁.int/health-topics/air-pollution#tab=tab_1 (Accessed: 18 May 2022)