
8 April 2022

Written by:

Susan Galbraith,

Executive Vice President, Oncology R&D, AstraZeneca

澳门葡京赌博游戏从癌症被诊断出来的时候开始, it has been evolving often for many years and has multiple genetic and epigenetic changes driving its growth. 为了实现长期生存和治愈的潜力,必须从多个角度进行攻击. By simultaneously developing therapies that directly target cancer cells and others that activate the immune system to help in the fight, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在探索下一波治疗方法, 包括新颖的组合,可能会导致更深的, more durable responses.

从我30年前第一次接受肿瘤学家培训开始, 癌症研究取得了显著的进展, not least here at Oncology R&D, AstraZeneca. 


1) 直接杀死癌细胞的机制 e.g. 通过“关闭”生长驱动突变, 利用抗体直接对癌细胞进行化疗或放疗, 针对DNA损伤反应中的关键漏洞和针对表观遗传变化

2) Activating the immune system 增强身体的自然防御能力,从而减缓癌细胞的生长, 破坏细胞或阻止它们扩散(如.g. by overcoming immune suppression, activating existing T-cells and replacing the immune system)

通过澳门葡京赌博游戏对创新的不懈追求, we have created one of the most diverse portfolios in the industry to tackle cancers with the greatest unmet need.

This approach is underpinned by our ability to rapidly gain a deeper understanding of disease biology and identify a wealth of potential drug targets that may hold the keys for unlocking new treatments and potential cures. 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在使用多管齐下的方法——投资基因组学, data science and AI, next-generation sequencing and CRISPR gene editing – to identify, interrogate, and validate new targets in a way not previously thought possible. 每一个新的见解和每一条新的信息都使澳门葡京赌博游戏更接近创造更好, 为患者提供更先进、更有效的治疗.


The potential of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) 改善乳腺癌、肺癌、胃癌等癌症的治疗效果是巨大的. ADCs are exceptional cancer-killing agents that could become the new backbone in treatment combinations. 与传统化疗不同, adc将药物直接输送到癌细胞中,限制对健康细胞的损害1. In a similar way, 澳门葡京赌博游戏可以用抗体靶向放射疗法杀死癌细胞, sparing normal tissues.

We can also now create medicines that exploit the body’s multiple ways of detecting and repairing DNA damage, known as DNA damage response (DDR) mechanisms. 许多癌症已经失去了其中一种DDR机制, 这使得它们容易针对这些通路的其他部分2.癌细胞也有令人难以置信的高突变率, 导致细胞机能失调和DNA受损. 虽然这些细胞可以在一定程度的损伤下存活,但这是有限度的. Our goal is to develop innovative, targeted, 生物标志物驱动的治疗方法利用了癌细胞中的这些弱点.

However, many patients who initially respond to targeted therapies develop resistance to their treatment, 导致它停止对癌细胞起作用.That’s why we’re zeroing in on how to target the genetic mutations and mechanisms that facilitate this resistance process – including targeting multiple biological pathways simultaneously – with the potential to extend survival for patients with resistant cancers4.

并不是所有的癌症都是由基因组的直接变化引起的. We’re just beginning to understand how the patterns of how different genes are expressed or suppressed in different settings – called epigenetics -可以控制癌症的生长,甚至可以导致耐药性5. We’ve launched several projects to better understand how we can use the learnings from epigenetics to design more effective treatments.

通过澳门葡京赌博游戏对创新的不懈追求, we have created one of the most diverse portfolios in the industry to tackle cancers with the greatest unmet need.


除了针对癌症的突变和表观遗传变化, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在开拓方法来开发下一波 immuno-oncology (IO) medicines. IO therapies can spur recognition of the presence of cancer that the human body’s own immune surveillance mechanisms may have missed, and can overcome the immunosuppressive mechanisms that cancers frequently develop as they evolve6,7. IO疗法已成为许多癌症治疗方案的支柱.

Our broad pipeline features a range of potential first-in-class IO therapies across multiple tumour types that are being investigated across all stages of disease and lines of therapy, 包括有可能诱发更深的IO疗法的新组合, more durable responses8,9.

澳门葡京赌博游戏也在探索激活自然t细胞反应来攻击癌细胞的方法, through the development of next-generation immune engagers with potential in hard-to-treat solid tumours. t细胞接合者有一只手臂与t细胞结合,另一只手臂与癌细胞结合, and thus ‘pull’ T-cells into the tumour.

The power of cell therapies to transform cancer treatment by amplifying the body's natural immune response has been one of the biggest stories in oncology over the past decade. We are investing significantly to address the limitations that exist in this space – which has the promise to put cures within reach one day.

Looking to the future

澳门葡京赌博游戏也在寻找新的方法来增强 cell therapy through combinations with other agents in our portfolio and via strategic research collaborations. Evidence suggests that targeting more than one pathway may combat multiple tumour escape mechanisms, 可能比单独使用一种途径具有更大的抗肿瘤活性10,11,12澳门葡京赌博游戏正在探索一些IO组合策略来实现这些协同效应.  

However, it is an unfortunate reality that many cancers are identified and diagnosed in the metastatic setting; we need to identify and treat disease earlier for optimal outcomes. 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在研究更快地检测癌症信号的方法,比如使用测量 circulating tumour DNA to identify patients who are most at risk of their cancer returning – to inform a personalised treatment strategy.

Many cancers are identified and diagnosed in the metastatic setting; we need to identify and treat disease earlier for optimal outcomes. 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在研究更快地检测癌症信号的方法,比如使用测量 circulating tumour DNA, 为个性化治疗策略提供信息.

We are on the cusp of significant advances in the way we treat cancer and bringing transformative medicines to patients. By following the science, being bold, and not fearing failure, we are getting closer to our mission of offering a potential for cure for an increasing proportion of the millions of people worldwide living with cancer.



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1. Peters C, Brown S. 抗体-药物偶联物作为新型抗癌化疗药物. Biosci Rep. 2015;35(4):e00225. Accessed March 2022.

2. Hakem R. DNA-damage repair; the good, the bad, and the ugly. EMBO J. 2008;27(4):589-605. Accessed March 2022.

3. Ellis LM, Hicklin DJ. Resistance to targeted therapies: Refining anticancer therapy in the era of molecular Oncology. Clin Cancer Res. 2009;15(24):7471-7478. Accessed March 2022.

4. Sequist L, et al. EGFR突变阳性患者的奥西替尼加沙伐替尼治疗, MET-amplified, non-small-cell lung cancer after progression on EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors: interim results from a multicentre, open-label, phase 1b study. Lancet Oncol. 2020;21(3):373-386. Accessed March 2022.

5. Baylin SB, Jones PA. Epigenetic Determinants of Cancer. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2016; 8(9): a019505. Accessed March 2022.

6. Melero I, et al. Clinical development of immunostimulatory monoclonal antibodies and opportunities for combination. Clin Cancer Res. 2013;19(5):997-1008. Accessed March 2022.

7. Cancer Research UK. The immune system and cancer. Available online. Accessed March 2022.

8. Johnson ML. Durvalumab ± tremelimumab + chemotherapy as first-line treatment for NSCLC: Results from the phase 3 POSEIDON study [presentation]. Presented at: IASLC 2021 World conference on Lung Cancer; September 8-14, 2021 (Virtual Meeting).

9. Martinez-Marti A. COAST: an open-label, randomised, phase 2 platform study of durvalumab alone or in combination with novel agents in patients with locally advanced, unresectable, Stage III NSCLC [presentation]. Presented at: The ESMO Congress 2021; September 16-21, 2021 (Virtual Meeting).

10. Drake CG. Combination immunotherapy approaches. Ann Oncol. 2012;23(Suppl. 8):viii41-viii46. Accessed March 2022.

11. Pardoll D. 肿瘤免疫治疗中免疫检查点的阻断. Nat Rev Cancer. 2012;12(4):252-264. Accessed March 2022.

12. Melero I, et al. 不断发展的靶向免疫疗法协同组合来对抗癌症. Nat Rev Cancer. 2015;15(8):457-472. Accessed March 2022.

Veeva ID: Z4-65080
Date of preparation: May 2024